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Jewelweed And Witch Hazel Spray

Jewelweed tends to grow right alongside poison ivy, which is nature's compassion for humans. Poison ivy is only a problem for humans, no other animals who move through the forest react to the urushiol in the leaves with rashes. In fact, deer and other animals eat poison ivy as a food source. 


A plant healer friend of mine calls poison ivy "Sister Protectress" and believes that Nature invites her presence in fragile or sacred ecosystems to keep humans out. Herbalist jim mcdonald teaches poison is a form of "mindfulness medicine" keeping us alert and aware of our surroundings. If we are not careful and we stumble into a patch of Sister Protectress we are left with an itchy, weeping rash. 


Luckily, jewelweed is likely nearby to save us from our misstep. Her succulent, juicy leaves and stems contain a viscous liquid similar to aloe gel that is cooling and soothing to the skin. 


Jewelweed is gathered in its flowering phase and steeped long in witch hazel to extract the cooling and moistening properties. Witch hazel is itself a wonderful ally when dealing with skin irritations. 


This spray can also be used as a preventative for those who are very sensitive to poison ivy and wish to avoid getting the rash. After being out in the garden or hiking trail, you can spray exposed skin to prevent rash development. 


*These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness. Please refer to your medical provider with questions. 

Jewelweed And Witch Hazel Spray

  • Fresh leaves, stems and flowers in witch hazel bottled in 4 ounce amber glass spray bottles. 


    Spray rash as often as needed to bring relief, or exposed skin to prevent rash development. 

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